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Liferea on rollApp

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Liferea is a web feed reader/news aggregator.

Liferea on rollApp is an online RSS news reader. It brings together all of the content from your favorite subscriptions into a simple interface that makes it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop mail/newsclient, with an embedded graphical browser. It synchronizes with InoReader, Reedah, TheOldReader and TinyTinyRSS.

Liferea supports:

  • aggregating feeds in all the major syndication formats (including rss/rdf, atom, cdf, and more);
  • downloading articles;
  • matching items using search folders.
  • permanently saving headlines in news bins;
  • social networking integration so you can share your favorite news articles to Facebook, Google+, Reddit, Twitter and more.

You can use Liferea on rollApp with no download on any device: your PC, laptop, Chromebook, iPad or Android tablets. Save news and other information to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other cloud storage. Be always up to date.

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